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Puzzle Toy BIO ĆILIM by Bioplastictoys_bih

Puzzle Toy BIO ĆILIM by Bioplastictoys_bih

Regular price € 14.28 EUR
Regular price Sale price € 14.28 EUR
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BIO ĆILIM je didaktička slagalica napravljena od bioplastike čiji je cilj da upozna djecu sa bosanskim kulturnim blagom, razvija motoričke sposobnosti od najranijeg uzrasta, te da skreće pažnju na važnost očuvanja planete Zemlje. Bioplastika je naziv za biorazgradivu plastiku koja se dobija od obnovljivih izvora kao što su: šećerna trska, kukuruzni škrob, soja itd. Materijal je ekološki prihvatljiv, netoksičan i bez neugodnih mirisa.

BIO ĆILIM is a didactic puzzle made of bioplastics whose goal is to introduce children to Bosnian cultural treasure, develop coordination skills from an early age and to draw attention to the importance of preserving the planet Earth. Bioplastics is the name for biodegradable plastics that are obtained from renewable sources such as: sugar cane, corn starch, soybeans, etc. The material is eco friendly, non-toxic and odorless.

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